ZeeGrid Control Message



An application sends a ZGM_COMPARETEXT2STRING message to compare the display text of a cell specified by the cell index in wParam and a string specified in lParam.

wParam = (WPARAM)(int) iCellIndex;  //ZeeGrid cell index
lParam = (LPARAM) lpszString;       //pointer to string


The value of wParam. The cell index of a cell to compare to the text string pointed to by lpString.

The value of lParam. A pointer to a string to compare to the text in the cell given in iCellIndex.

Return Values

If the text of the cell pointed to by iCellIndex is equal to the string lpString, the return value is zero. If the text of the cell pointed to by iCellIndex is less than the string lpString, the return value is less than zero. If the text of the cell pointed to by iCellIndex is greater than the string lpString, the return value is greater than zero.

Copyright © 2002-2016 by David Hillard