ZeeGrid Control Message



An application sends a ZGM_GETDOWLONG message to get name of the weekday of the day of the week value specified in wParam.

wParam = (WPARAM) (int) iDayOfWeek;    //day of week value
lParam = (LPARAM) lpszString;          //pointer to string to return the weekday name


The value of wParam. The value is the value returned by ZGM_GETDOW or ZGM_GETREGDATEDOW.

The value of lParam. A pointer to a null-terminated string to hold the weekday name that is returned from this message. This character string must be previously allocated with a minimum length of 10 characters.

The string must be previously allocated and have a minimum length of 10 characters. Failure to preallocate this string will result in undefined behavior, possibly resulting in data loss and/or program crash.

Return Values

This message returns TRUE if the value in wParam is a valid day of the week value in the range of [0..6], otherwise the message returns FALSE.

Copyright © 2002-2016 by David Hillard