ZeeGrid Control Message



An application sends a ZGM_SETCOLEDIT message to set the edit attribute value of every cell in the specified column in the ZeeGrid.

wParam = (WPARAM)(int) iCol;         //ZeeGrid column
lParam = (LPARAM)(int) iEdit;        //Edit attribute value


The value of wParam. The ZeeGrid column to set every cell the edit attribute value. If this value is zero, the action is performed on all columns.

The value of lParam. The edit attribute value to set every cell in the specified ZeeGrid column to. Valid edit attribute values are in the range of [0..4]. A value of 0 means that the cell is not editable, or readonly. A value of 1 means that the cell is editable with a text edit box. A value of 2 means that the cell is editable with a droplist combo box. A value of 3 means that the cell is a boolean value and is editable by double-clicking the cell to change the boolean state from TRUE to FALSE or vice versa. A value of 4 means that the cell is editable with the date picker common control.

Return Values

This message does not return a value.

Copyright © 2002-2016 by David Hillard